fly oz Club Weather Minimums
Tricycle Gear Aircraft Wind Limits
Total Wind (including gusts) - 25kts
Crosswind Component (including gusts) - 15kts or max demonstrated per POH
Tailwheel Aircraft Wind Limits
<10hrs non-dual rental time in type: Total Wind (including gusts) - 20Kts, Crosswind Component (including gusts - 7Kts
>10hrs non-dual rental time in type: Total Wind (including gusts) - 25Kts, Crosswind Component (including gusts) - 10Kts
Pattern, Day: Visibility - 3SM, Ceiling - 1,500’ AGL
Pattern, Night: Visibility - 5SM, Ceiling - 1,500’ AGL
Non-Pattern, Day: Visibility - 5SM, Ceiling - 2,000’ AGL
Non-Pattern, Night: Visibility - 7SM, Ceiling - 2,500 AGL
Thunderstorms: Aircraft operations are prohibited at any airport located within 15 miles of a thunderstorm with reported lightning. Pilots shall immediately discontinue all ground activity, including preflight and taxiing, and shall park and secure aircraft when a thunderstorm with reported lightning moves within 15 miles of the airport.
Instrument flight
Published approach minimums at departure airport at time of departure
Published approach minimums at destination airport projected for time of arrival
*Personal minimums for instrument pilots who are not highly current both in IFR conditions and in type should be significantly higher than legal minimums. Talk to your instructor if you need help developing safe personal minimums*
icing operations
Only FIKI legal aircraft may be used for operation in any form of known icing.
All pilots operating in known ice must have completed the Cirrus Icing Awareness Course in the last 12 months.
All flights MUST be conducted in accordance with ALL limitations set forth in the POH and ALL legal requirements per the FAR’s. REVIEW YOUR POH.
In addition to these limits pilots operating in icing conditions must land with at LEAST 1 hour of FIKI endurance operating on normal flow rate. NEVER plan to remain in Icing conditions.
Cirrus Limits
See Cirrus Minimums sheet to find your minimums category for VFR and IFR. These limits supersede and replace any above limitations.